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tv   9 News Now Tonight  CBS  October 24, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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yesterday across eastern cuba into the bahamas, hurricane watches and warnings there as well, then back out to sea. we get into friday, saturday and sunday she's still offshore. the problem is we're not done with her even after the weekend. we'll come back and tell you where she might go early next week. >> sound ominous. the maryland family alliance says it's not a call to harm gays or lesbians, but video of the group's town hall meeting on maryland's same sex marriage referendum has a lot of people wondering how it could mean anything else. scott broom explains. >> reporter: the video was made at a town hall meeting in baltimore october 19th featuring a panel with pastor robert anderson on the right who quoted scripture saying homosexuality is worthy of death. he then drew this line to question 6. >> we don't vote against it, then we are approving these things that are worthy of death. >> reporter: sitting next to anderson was derek mccoy, the executive director of the
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maryland family alliance. other than a nod mccoy had no response, though the moderator of the family alliance town hall called the comments excellent as some applauded. >> anybody who is referring to gay and lesbian couples as being worthy of death in this conversation about question 6 should be disavowed. >> reporter: fulton shakir is the political director of marylanders for maryland equality supporting same sex marriage on the ballot. >> somebody to say something like that about somebody trying to get a marriage license at city hall saying they're worthy of death is very inappropriate. >> reporter: inflamed passions have included this prince george's county police captain irene hukkins who hopes to marry her partner in maryland and sent an e-mail blast saying this type of defensive behavior will not fly in maryland. >> those who practice such things are deserving of death. >> reporter: meanwhile pastor robert anderson has not
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responded to requests for interviews to explain his worthy of death comments about same sex marriage. scott broom, 9 news now. >> late today derek mccoy issued a written statement that says, "any attempt to imply that dr. anderson's reading of scripture was a call to harm gays and lesbians was false and serves as a distraction from the real issues of this campaign." anderson says his group is committed to the dignity and respect of all people, but that marriage is reserved for one man and one woman. tomorrow supporters and opponents of that same sex marriage referendum plan to rally at galludet university in d.c., but this time they're both planning to call for the same thing. both groups want angela mccaskill reinstated as school's chief diversity officer. mccaskill was placed on paid leave earlier this month after administrators learned that she had signed a petition to get the referendum on the ballot. for her part she said she is not anti-gay but does think voters should decide if same
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sex marriage should be legal or not. maryland state board of elections is investigating why some absentee ballots in prince george's county and montgomery county seem to be missing a passenger. governor martin o'malley says so far the board confirmed the mistake in fewer than 20 ballots. he says residents who requested absentee ballots need to make sure there is that second page which would answer questions about those questions 4 through 7. in virginia attorney general ken cuccinelli's reversing course on claims of voter fraud. a pen pep man working in rocking -- a pennsylvania man working in rockingham county was arrested last week on charges he three away eight completed voter registration forms. that man worked for the same company already being investigated for over 200 fraud voter claims in florida. now cuccinelli's office says it will investigate the claims in virginia. that virginia senate rate is heating up and our peggy fox is tracking where george allen and tim kaine stand on the
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issues. you can seat first installment of her story at -- see the first installment of her story at meantime in leesburg support for one of the presidential candidates burns bright on one family's front lawn and we mean that literally. >> reporter: i'm surae chinn in leesburg where the political climate has heated up literally where one resident had her sign burned to the ground. >> it was a little scary. >> reporter: a drive stopped to tell the stephens their yard sign was on fire -- a driver stopped to tell the stevens their yard sign was on fire. >> monday morning there was a huge fireball in my front yard. there was a knock on the door. >> reporter: the stevens are romney supporters. she took a few snapshots of what was left of their 4 by 8- foot romney sign in their front yard. >> there's political signs up and down the street. it is disheartening and sad that somebody would choose to do this. shame on them. freedom of speech, what's wrong with them? >> reporter: this is a friendly leesburg street where neighbors have differing views both democratic and republican
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signs put up. sure, a few spines have been stolen, but -- signs have been stolen, but never have they heard of one burning down. >> she has strong political beliefs. she's a good friend and definitely has the right to put her signs up in her yard. >> reporter: stevens has since put up a much smaller sign. >> it's just nasty. it's wrong. >> reporter: in leesburg, surae chinn, 9 news now. there is sad news out of hawaii tonight where a veteran who captured the hearts of hundreds of thousands around the world passed away. 92-year-old frank tonabi's story went viral earlier this week avenue filled out his absentee ballot for the november election. that world war ii vet was in the final stages of liver cancer but said he'd been anxiously awaiting the ballot. people posted on the internet and twitter that his devotion to casting his vote inspired them to go to the polls in two weeks. a u.s. senate candidate in indiana making headlines tonight for his comments about abortion after a woman get pregnant from being raped.
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>> life begins in that horrible situation of rape that it is something that god intended to happen. >> republican richard mourdock said that last night during a debate and today mourdock stood beside his views that god creates life. >> i spoke with my principle. i spoke from my faith and if others wish to try to turn those words and somehow use them against me, again that's what's wrong with washington today. >> mitt romney's presidential campaign, however, quickly issued a statement saying it did not agree with mourdock's view but did not call for him to step out of the race as it did when todd akin said earlier this year, "legitimate rape rarely results in pregnancy." what do you think about mourdock's comments? does he deserve the condemnation or do you understand and perhaps even agree with him? share your thoughts in an e- mail through mcginty's mailbag, the address or leave a comment on our wusa9 facebook page. we've got an update on that louisiana woman who claimed
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three men set her on near and sprawled a racial slur on her car -- fire and sprawled a racial slur on her car. tonight her family is apologizing for what they say is her made up story. state police say forensic evidence shows moffitt set herself on fire and made up the story about the three men doing it, but they've not been able to speak with her because she's still in the hospital in critical condition. we've got new info after that bizarre chase through virginia into maryland yesterday afternoon. today a judge ordered angela cobbold to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. prosecutors say she had just been released from a mental facility last friday and, in fact, her family tried to have her recommitted yesterday. cobbold was caught going over 90 miles an hour lounge i-66 in the morning -- along i-66 in the morning. later she showed up outside the entrance of walter reed and bethesda, rammed a car before crashing her own car in rockville. she is due in court next wednesday.
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there's a health alert about another potential use for one of the world's oldest and cheapest medications. a new study in tomorrow's new england journal of medicine finds aspirin showing promise in helping to treat colon cancer. five years after being diagnosed 97% of patients who used aspirin were still alive as compared to 74% of those who were not taking the drugs. still to come opposing leagues say he could be the league mvp. we go one on one with rg3. >> but first experts predict gas prices could take a dive before thanks giving. where are they now? that's up next.
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prices at the pump are getting cheaper, but it's perhaps a stretch to call them cheap. according to aaa, the nationwide average for a gallon of regular, $3.63. now that is down 13 cents in just the last week, the largest seven-day decline since
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november of '08. the average price in the d.c. ar, $3.63. you can always find the best prices in our neighborhood at just click on pump patrol. pipically the word bomb and then the word president in the same sentence not a good thing, but this week the president's own twitter feed is making hay out of a cute albeit unintentional photo bombing. theque out these pictures -- check out these pictures in the president in florida yesterday. he made a photo op stop with these kids who gathered outside to wave by his motorcade. check out the kid on top of the scene. the president's own twitter feed called it the photo of the day tuesday. still ahead today was gorgeous, but we are keeping a close eye on hurricane sandy moving through the caribbean and may be coming our way. >> and the agony of defeat seems to be an all too familiar feeling in our area these days, how fans can cope up next.
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and he will race to the end zone! >> doesn't anybody back there know how to play that game? oh, man, that long bomb to victor cruz tops off nine days of misery for our local sports fans. it began with the nationals being the best team in baseball to being out of the playoffs
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and then the homecoming game was lost when they couldn't make a field goal. >> i don't think there's been a matter of having these tough losses in only a couple week. >> i think some of that stuff builds scars and it builds fandom. >> some people can become really despondent when their team loses. >> character building, right? take a look at this. that is a st. louis flag flying in front of the wilson building in our town of washington d.c. why is it there? well, there was a bet mayor vincent gray lost with the st. louis mayor over that national league division series and i think when you lost the bet, you had to put the opposite city flag on your pole. there was some good news for those fans today, though. >> no. it hasn't been that long. it doesn't feel like i've been gone long, but at the same time i'm so excited to be back in
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washington. >> we are excited to have you back, chris cooley. in fact, he was in the locker room at redskins park today. the skins signed him up early this week after another pad bang tight end fred davis got the achille's tendon, out for the -- bad break tight end fred davis got the achille's tendon, out for the season. we're going to track hurricane sandy for the next looks like seven days. we're looking at the possibility of a big nor'easter up in new england as we get into tuesday and wednesday. let's start with the track. she's going to behavior a while, going to go across jamaica. she's about to exit jamaica right now, made landfall at jamaica 4:00 this afternoon, winds 80 miles per hour. they had wind gusts of 100 miles per hour. the latest information we have, this is brand-new at 7:00, she still has winds of 80, still a category 1 with gusts of 100
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miles per hour and it's now about 60 miles north of kingston. we'll put this into motion. this is thursday afternoon, goes into the bahamas and then tracks a little further to the west. so that's not good news for florida. they already have tropical storm warnings up on the southeast part of the atlantic coast. becomes a category 1 again. then it behaviors pretty much like it did yesterday staying out to sea, kind of parallelling the coast and if it stays this far from shore, we're fine. so i'm not so concerned about the weekend quite frankly. i'm more concerned about what it does after that and this is what i mean. these are -- each line represents a computer model and where they think sandy is going. pretty good confluence over the next 48 hours. then we get into monday at 7:00. now we have three models sending her back into new england and if that were the case, she would affect us here in the metro area. technically not a nor'easter for us because as the storms set in new england, we would
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actually have west, southwest winds, but that said we could have big rains and strong winds anyway. live look outside, our live weather cam brought to you by michael and son, 76 after our record tying 84 today, winds calm, pressure on the rise. temperatures still 68 in vienna, 70 great falls, bethesda, still 74 in college park. declining temperatures, but slowly, mild tonight and dry, a little fog possible tomorrow. grab your umbrella for friday and we are monitoring sandy and we'll be monitoring sandy very closely. also go to the app store and search for wusa9 radar and download our app and track it with us. still mile tomorrow. green alert, green alert friday, few showers, 70. we'll make yellow alert saturday with some showers, a little more shower activity than friday and it may impact your plans. i think your the league games will still be played on saturday. then look at the temps the next
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seven days. low 60s sunday and actually may have sun sunday afternoon and showers possible monday, tuesday, wednesday depending on what's left of sandy. highs by wednesday only 50, yeah. that's the high, big changes coming our way. we will be right back after this.
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well, you know, the redskins have had quite a year and we all know there's really only one guy responsible for all that despite how excited we are chris cooley is coming back. kristen berset is here with more from an exclusive interview with rg3 that they did with our corporate partner, usa today, very nice. >> it's been a whirlwind of a year for this rookie. he went from college to the heisman to pretty much the most watched athlete in the nfl now. i think you can argue that. >> absolutely. >> on the outside he appears to be handling the pressure quite well, but what has this year really been like for rg3?
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the rookie sat daven with our friends at usa today -- sat down with our friend at usa today. >> when you're growing up and want to be a professional athlete, you don't realize how much of a business it is. you think you can make it and it's easy and you get to play the game you love, but being professional for a few months it, has shown me it is more of a business. you do have to be mentally tough. it is everything you dreamed of, but it's a lot more as well. >> reporter: you got to set up your action figures in your locker room. were you at all worried about being taken seriously in that process? >> it wasn't the first thing i did. i didn't come in, meet the guys and then throw the action figures up. you know, i went through otas and rookie minicamp with everybody and before training camp i just felt like it was time for me to make my locker my own. so i just brought some of my favorite toys that i used to play with and had a little thing underneath each one of them and whenever they look at what's beneath the action figures, i feel like it has an
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impact on them. that's all it is. there's 53 guys in there. if i affect one or two guys a day just by walking by my locker, i've accomplished my goal. >> reporter: can you go anywhere without being noticed? >> no. i've tried everything, tying the hair up, wearing a hat, a hoodie. some way they figure out it's me. i am a bigger guy. they figure out it's me and the rest is history. so i take some pictures, sign some autographs and go home. >> reporter: what's the toughest thing you've had to go through? >> probably 2009 came off a great freshman year, was a freshman all american and tore my acl in the third game. that was tough, game back stronger from it. i'm faster than i was before i got hurt and stronger than i was before i got hurt and a better player today than before i got hurt. so god always has a plan and it's definitely working out right now. >> he mentioned those action figures in his locker.
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he's got captain planet, spider- man, i think the incredible hulk, a guy from x man. >> you did not mean captain planet? >> did i say that again? i said it at 6:00 and now. captain america. >> because captain plan set super corn ball. >> he's 22 years old and such a smart mature young man. >> if it were possible because he has action figures, i like him even better. >> i figured you would. >> he's just unbelievable. >> you know you're in it until the very end. let's talk quick weather, sir. >> we'll show you the track again of sandy. you can go to our website and download our hurricane tracker. it's not too late. by monday it's kind of off the delmarva, but there we're in pretty good shape. however, it's tuesday and wednesday next week i'm concerned about.
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we'll have brand-new information tonight at 11:00 as to if it goes back toward land. >> maybe captain planet can stop that hurricane. that's our report. i'll be back here at 11:00 along with anita, top and kristen. tonight the son of a local member of congress resigns from his dad's campaign, what that campaign is calling an error in judgment. look for that story at 11:00. also look for anything you like on we'll see you a bit later. bye bye.
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"entertainment tonight," the worldwide leader in entertainment news. did alec baldwin have a sexual relationship with his alleged stalker. >> it was love. for me it was love. >> new bombshells from her first sit-down interview. >> he's got a scar right here on his bikini line that is round like this. >> plus, why she said that she was really arrested. >> i have this. is this harmful? >> robert patinson opening up about his sex scenes with kristen. >> justin timberlake and christine biel's wedding. and what justin during the ceremony that brought the bride to tears. melissa rycroft on the "e.t." set with new information about her dancing accident. >> how serious is your injury? can you continue in the competition? then, we have taylor swift


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